Recipe Holder

I've tried everything, but one thing I can't seem to get right is being clean when I cook. Splatters arrive everywhere. What you say? You've been hit too? And you live on another continent? Yeah, sorry about that. It happens around here.
Because of the splatters, spills, and my often wet hands that want to TOUCH the book, page, etc., I've had to migrate to copies of recipes from the books or magazines. Over the years I've learned to put my recipes into my recipe software for many, many reasons. One of those reasons is to be able to print the recipe out, splatter it like 50 kindergartners in paint class, and toss.
P.S. Try to ignore the untiled backsplash there in the picture. I'm working on tile choices.
Your hens looks great! I can't believe you guys got 4 meals from this dish. I guess we're pigs!
I think this is perfect and at eye level to boot... :)