Fridge Friday: Show Us Your Hots!
I enjoy following mizmaggieb on Twitter. She always gets us posting pictures of our fridge every Friday. This Friday she has started a new blog specifically for Friday Fridays and this week has a show all your hot sauces/spicy items.
I had to actually rearrange things so all the hot items were in one location, otherwise it would have been like 16 photos of a completely messy refrigerator!
The homemade canned jalapeno chunks are not really that cloudy, not sure what camera technique filters that out. Also I noticed, we hardly use Tabasco and yet have two?? Second question relating to Tabasco is, if we hardly use it, how old are those two bottles? OY.
Next, I noticed that we don't have near enough spicy ingredients in the fridge as we should. I love spicy foods. You would have thought I have 14 different kinds. Hmm. Maybe need to check the back and deep in the drawers. Scary thought.
At least it's not FREEZER FRIDAY. That would cause total panic. And I might not have enough wine to cure a total spin-out.