Whisk Wednesday: Frog Legs

Frog Legs. Legs of Frogs. Either way. I've only eaten them once and I wasn't a huge fan. Now, if you are the same as me, I do suggest you give them another try.

This was the dish for our Whisk Wednesday meal and I think it was not too bad. One of us ate 6 of them, while I nibbled on two. I had to try them and they were not bad! They were really good to frog leg lovers. I just am still not too sure about eating something with...an *ankle*.

Lightly breaded and sauteed in garlic olive oil and then finished wtih fresh parsley and garlic. Very nice presentation, fresh flavor and it made a "bright" accent. I will try again with something like shrimp.

I know my adventures feel really brave and different. These aren't meals we would add to our weekly menu, but I have to say I'm really learning about cooking. I'm touching new and different ingredients, I'm learning how cooking ingredients seperately and later melding together effect the entire dish, I'm trying new ingredients and I'm doing it! I'm actually cooking French food! Whisk Wednesdays have taken me from my basic recipes and given me a whole new platform. I may not be making frog legs soon, but it gave me a good foundation that I can apply to other dishes. And that my friends, is learning how to really cook!

Check out how my new friends faired during Whisk Wednesday here: The Blogroll.


Melanie said…
yummy. But where does one buy frog legs?
Brave, I tell you brave. Just looking at them takes me back to biology class. But, I'm sure they were delicious because you ate them.
Kayte said…
Well, congrats for doing this one! I was getting ready to order mine, thought I would cruise around the blogs to see what you all had done, saw Shari's post and the uncooked legs (like yours pictured) and burst into tears...I had a hard enough time with those tiny quail a couple weeks ago, and I am just going to take a pass on things that look like little babies. Seriously. My heart just can't take it. I am good to go on next week's recipe...you are to be highly commended for getting through this one!

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