Whisk Wednesday: Monkfish

Monkfish in White-Wine Cream Sauce with Vegetables

Monkfish was described to me as tasting like scallops. A firmer texture and should be cooked like scallops or shrimp. I've never had it before...until now.

It was suprisingly good. I liked the dish, but I probably would not add it to my repeat menu. We did save the leftovers which I cover with puff pastry and baked like a pot pie. It was even better!

The monkfish is cut into 2" pieces and cooked with pearl onions, green beans, fresh peas, carrots, turnips and mushrooms. The sauce is thickened with eggs and cream. It's very delicious.

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You can also view how the rest of my partners did with this dish by visiting the BlogRoll.


Melanie said…
Never had monkfish, but it sounds good.
Anonymous said…
Ooooh....now that you mention it, it does sound like it would make an excellent vol au vent application! Thanks for sharing!
Michelle said…
We like Monfish but here in IL, it's very rare to find it.
Shari said…
Making it into a pot pie sounds like a great idea! I'm glad you liked it! I did too.
Anonymous said…
Melissa, the idea of a puff pastry over the left overs is great.
Anonymous said…
I wish I had a bowl of that right now for my lunch...it looks really good. I am loving Whisk because so often we get to try things I would never try on my own. It is making me a much more knowledgeable cook as well, how about you?

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